you and me

::: Update: 22 October, 2019 18:25 :::

This lesson was written by Ann on April 8th 2008 in the Dutch version of PSP X2 (XP and Vista compatible)
Copyright©2007 - website: tdstudio - guestbook

Translated in English and in French by Jille. Thanks!

The script for Outlook Express can be downloaded here.
This script was made by Annemarie. You can visit her website here. Thank you Annemarie for this beautiful script.

::: Degree: advanced psp-user :::


  • Materials:
      • tubes @nn_080408_models_diorfashion2008_tdstudio_small.pspimage, @nn_08042008_abstract_tdstudio.pspimage and @nn_08042008_woman_DiorBlack_tdstudio.pspimage open in your PSP program
      • my mask: @nn_080407-MASK1210-youandme-tdstudio-TG.PspMask extract to:
        C:\Users\yourname\Documents\My PSP-files\Masks
      • brush: @nn_080408_brush_1219_tdstudio.PspBrush, extract to:
        C:\Users\yourname\Documents\My PSP-files\Brushes
      • preset Ann_YouAndMe_EC5_T_BW.f1s , extract to:
        ------- ››C:\Alien Skin\Eye Candy 5 Textures\Settings\BrickWall
      • preset @nn_YouAndMe_EC5_PS.f1s, extract to:
        ------- ››C:\Alien Skin\Eye Candy 5 Impact\Settings\Shadow
      • preset @nn_YouAndMe_SoftEffect_tdstudio.prs, extract to:
        ------- ››C:\namesuprressed\ns-softener Files\Presets


  • Filters:
      • Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact - here
      • Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Textures - here
      • Namesuppressed - Softner - here

        Install your filters.

  • Preparation
    Foreground colour = #a56baa , or an other intensive colour, background colour = black
    To start our material pallet looks as follows:

    If you use other colours, feel free to change the opacity and blend mode of the layers

    The lesson

  1. File - new image:
    colour white
  2. Activate the file: @nn_08042008_abstract_tdstudio.pspimage -->> edit - copy
  3. Activate your new white image, edit - paste as a new layer
  4. Activate the layer palette – change the opacity of this layer into 20
  5. Layer - new raster layer
  6. Flood fill with your foreground colour #a56baa
  7. Layers –load/save mask from disk and load my mask @nn_080407-MASK1210-youandme-tdstudio-TG.PspMask
  8. Layers - merge - merge group
  9. Activate the layer palette – change the opacity of this layer into 50
  10. Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow with settings shown below:
  11. Layers - new raster layer
  12. Activate the brush tool and choose my brush with settings shown below:

  13. Stamp the brush as follows :
  14. Layers - duplicate
  15. Adjust - blur - Motion blur:

    This is what you have:
  16. Activate the tube @nn_08042008_woman_DiorBlack_tdstudio.pspimage, edit - copy
  17. Activate your tag, edit - paste as a new layer
  18. With the move tool move to the  right bottom corner
  19. Layers - duplicate
  20. Adjust - blur - Motion blur, same settings click OK
  21. Layers - arrange – move down
  22. Activate the top  LAYER
  23. Layers - new raster layer
  24. Flood fill with the background colour
  25. Layers –load/save mask - load mask from disk and choose my mask @nn_080407-MASK1210-youandme-tdstudio-TG.PspMask
    PAY ATTENTION!! invert transparency unchecked:
  26. Layers - merge - merge group
  27. Activate the Selection tool and choose Star1
  28. Activeer je selectiegereedschap en kies voor STER 1

    Start your selection in the right top corner and end in the middle (see the little hand on the print screen):
  29. Delete on your keyboard but do not deselect !!!!!!!!!
  30. Layers - new raster layer
  31. Effects - 3D effects - Cutout with settings shown below:

  32. Selections – deselect all
  33. Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow same settings:
  34. Layer palette –blend mode = OVERLAY
  35. Window duplicate, minimize for the moment. This tag will be used to build up our background
  36. Continue with the original
  37. Layers - merge - merge all layers
  38. Image - resize 350 px
  39. Adjust - sharpness - unsharp mask:
  40. Selections – select all
  41. Selections - modify - select selection borders:
  42. Flood fill the selection with the black background colour
  43. Selections – deselect all
  44. Minimize this tag, do not close we will have to use it soon!!!!!!!
  45. File - new image white: change the width into 900 px:
  46. Layers - new raster layer
  47. Flood fill with the black background colour
  48. Layers –load/save mask – load mask from disk and choose mask op @nn_080407-MASK1210-youandme-tdstudio-TG.PspMask
    click load
  49. Layers - merge - merge group
    This is what you have:
  50. Effects – image effects - offset with settings shown below:
  51. Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow same settings:
  52. Activate the layer palette and change opacity into 35
  53. Activate the pspfile @nn_08042008_abstract_tdstudio.pspimage,
    edit - copy
  54. Activate your working area from 900px width,
    edit - paste as a new layer
  55. Effects - effects image- offset with settings shown below:
  56. Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow same settings:
  57. Layers - new raster layer
  58. Activate the Selection tool and choose star1 again

    Start drawing your selection in the top corner right and end there where you see the little hand on the print screen. Try to draw the same selection as I did -- >>
  59. Effects - 3D effects - cutout with settings shown below:

    This is what you have:
  60. Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow same settings:
  61. Selections – deselect all
  62. Layers - duplicate
  63. This star
    edit - copy - paste as a NEW IMAGE
    Put it a side, do not close !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  64. Activate this minimized tag:

    Edit - copy
  65. Activate your working area (width 900 px width),
    edit - paste as a new layer
  66. Effects - image effects - offset:
  67. Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow same settings click OK
  68. Layers - duplicate
  69. Image - free rotate:
  70. Effects - image effects - offset with settings shown below:

    This is what you have:
  71. Activate the star: (see point 63):

    This star, edit - copy
  72. Activate your working area (width = 900 px), edit - paste as a new layer
  73. Effects - image effects - offset, with following settings:

  74. Layers - duplicate
  75. Image – free rotate, same settings:
  76. Effects – plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Textures - Brick Wall and choose my presets Ann_YouAndMe_EC5_T_BW.f1s
  77. Layer palette: blend mode: Multiply

    ------››Pay attention: by using other tubes or colours you may prefer to arrange the layers in a different way, see what pleases you best:
    other PREVIEW here

  78. Activate the tube @nn_080408_models_diorfashion2008_tdstudio_small.pspimage,
    edit - copy
  79. Activate your working area (width 900 px)
    edit - paste as a new layer
  80. With your Move tool, move see example:
  81. Effects - plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact - Perspective Shadow - choose my presets @nn_YouAndMe_EC5_PS
  82. Layers - merge - merge all layers
  83. Effects - plugins - Namesuppressed - Softner choose my presets @nn_YouAndMe_SoftEffect_tdstudio.prs
  84. Selections - select all
  85. Selections - modify – select selection borders:
  86. Flood fill the selection with the black background colour
  87. Selections – deselect all
  88. Activate the minimized image from item 34 and close these two layers (see print screen)::
  89. Layers - merge - merge layers all
  90. Effects - image effects – seamless tiling:
  91. Effects - plugins - Namesuppressed - Softner and choose my presets @nn_YouAndMe_SoftEffect_tdstudio.prs
  92. Save both images as  JPG

Extra voorbeeld:

Extra voorbeeld gemaakt door Ann met een tube van mezelf: