This lesson was written by Ann and was made in version 11 of PSP
With her permission I (Jille) adapted this lesson in version 2020 of PSP and put it back online
Material download here
Put your selections in the selection folder of PSP.
Open the font and click install - you will find it later in the list of fonts.
Double click on EC presets - they will be automatically installed
Lokas Software - 3D Shadow
Simple - Top Left Mirror
Simple - Quarter corner
Crescent Moon
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact
Panopticum - digitalizer
Foreground =
# 581a2D
Background =
Change background material into a rectangular gradient with these settings :
File New - 640 x 480 pixels Transparent checked
Flood fill tool - fill with the foreground color
3. Layers - New raster layer.
4. Flood fill tool- fill the layer with the background gradient
5. Effects > Plugins > Crescent Moon - Terracotta
6. Effects> Plugins> Panopticum - Digitalizer:
7.Layer palette - Opacity 75%
8. Layers> New raster layer.
9. Selections > Load/save selection - load selection from disk:
select Fendi_sel001_tdstudio:
Flood fill tool - Fill the selection with the gradient.
11. Selections> Select none.
12. Effects> Distortion effects> Wind, from the right intensity 50:
13. Effects > Plugins> Simple - Top left mirror.
Layers> Duplicate.
15. Effects> Plugins> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow:
tab settings - User settings - Select @nn_Fendi 1 PS and click ok.
16. Open the image Angelina_image.jpg.
17. Image> Add borders, 1 pixel, symmetric, blue color # 8aaee4:
18. Edit > Copy.
Go back to your work - Edit > Paste as a new layer.
19. Effects> Plugins> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow, same settings
20. Layers > Arrange > Move down.
21. Layers > Duplicate.
22. Image > Resize 90%, resize all layers unchecked.
23. Layers > Arrange> Bring to top.
Image> Add borders, 1 pixel, symmetric, color # 8aa3e4.
25. Image> Add borders, 34 pixels, symmetric, with color white (or another contrasting color).
26. Magic wand tool- - select the white border
27 Effects> Plugins > Simple - Quarter Corner
28. Selections > invert.
29. Effects > Plugins> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow, same settings
30. Selections > Select none.
31. Image > Add border, symmetric not checked:
32. Selection > Load/save selections> Load selection from disk: select Fendi_sel002_tdstudio:
33. Effects > Texture Effects > Texture - @ nn-0510-TXT_141, with these settings.
if you don't have this texture, replace it with a similar
34. Selections > Select none.
35. Image > Add border, 1 pixel, symmetric, with color # 8aa3e4.
36. Edit > Copy.
37. File - New: Open a new transparent image - 906 x 556 pixels.
38. Material palette looks like this
39 .Floodfill tool - fill with the dark foreground color.
40. Layers> New raster layer.
41. Flood fill tool - Fill with the background gradient.
42. Effects > Plugins > Crescent Moon - Terracotta same settings as used before
43. Effects > Plugins > Panopticum - Digitalizer - same settings.
44. Layer palette: opacity = 75%, blend mode = 100%
45. Layers> New raster layer.
46. ??Selections > Load / save selection > Load selection from disk - select Fendi_sel003_tdstudio:
47. Set your foreground color to # 8aa3e4 (blue color)
48. Enlarge the image to see the narrow spaces of the selection better (zoom in)
49. Floodfill tool - fill the selection with the foreground color.
50. Selections > Select none.
51. Edit > Paste as new layer (the image is still in memory).
52. Image > Resize = 90%, resize all layers not checked.
53. Adjust > Sharpness - Unsharp mask.
54. Effects > Plugins> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Perspective Shadow,
Tab settings: select @ nn_Fendi_2_PS click ok.
55. Open the woman tube - Edit> Copy.
56. Go back to your work - Edit> Paste as a new layer.
57. Move tool - move to the right
58. Effects > Plugins > Lokas Software - 3D Shadow, with these settings:
click Shadow Position and Selections Front.
Activate text tool with these settings:
60. Close foreground color - background color = # 8aa3e4.
61. Image > Free rotate - 90 degrees to the right.
62. Write text "Fendi"
63.Image - rotate to the left
64. Layer palette > Convert to raster layer.
65. Effects > Plugins> Alien Skin - Eye Candy 5 Impact - Glass:
Select @nn_Fendi_Glass_ECI - Tab settings and click OK.
66. Layers > New raster layer.
67. Floodfill tool - Fill with the color # 581a2d.
68. Selections > Select all.
69. Selections> modify> contract - 1 pixel.
70. Floodfill tool- Fill with the color # 8aa3e4.
71. Selection> Modify> Contract - 1 pixel.
72. Press the delete key on the keyboard.
73. Selections > Select none.
74. Add your watermark and Save as a jpg
2d example from me (Jille) with a tube of Malacka 15/04/2020