
This lesson was written by Jille in the Dutch version of PSP 3 on Januari 31 2011. I followed my own inspiration. Any connection with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence
It is possible to make this lesson in lower versions as well

Credits and Material
Tube: calguiscolored25110.pspimage
Download material

Mura's Meister Cloud
Flaming Pear - Ornament
Alien Skin Eye Candy5: Impact - Glass
<IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2- Andrews filter 10 - Twins
OptikVerveLabs - Virtual Photographer

Foreground color #f8f4f5 and background color #c13c4d

On the end of this lesson a filter will change the colors we used
The lesson

  1. File - New - New Image
  2. Effects - Plugins - Mura's Meister Cloud - standard settings
  3. Layers - Duplicate
  4. Make bottom layer active and
    Adjust - Blur - Radial blur
  5. Layer palette - Make top layer active again and
    Layers - Load/save mask -load mask from disk and choose

    You see nothing, but do not worry
  6. Layers - Merge - merge group
  7. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  8. Effects - 3D Effects- Drop Shadow
  9. Layers - Merge - Merge down
  10. Layers - New raster layer - Rename this layer selection layer (selectielaag)
  11. Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Arkade1
  12. Flood fill tool - fill selection with foreground color
  13. Effects - Texture Effects - blinds
  14. Selections - Modify -select selection borders
  15. Flood fill tool - fill selection with background color
  16. Selections - Deselect all
  17. On the same layer: Magic Wand Tool with these settings

    click left and right
  18. Layer palette - Activate the bottom layer - Promote selection to layer
  19. Layer palette - Blend mode = Burn
  20. Selections - Deselect all
  21. Make top layer actif again (Selection layer) and click in the middle
  22. activate bottom layer again
    Promote selection to layer
  23. Layer palette - Arrange - in front- selection stays active
    Layer palette looks like this

  24. Activate the tube from Guismo calguiscolored25110
  25. Make a copy by using Shift and D on your keyboard and minimize the original (we still need it)
  26. On this copy with the tube layer active
    Image - Resize - 65% -Smart size -Resize all layers not checked
  27. Edit - Copy and close
  28. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  29. Move tool - drag the tube in the selection
  30. Selections - Invert
    and click delete on your keyboard
  31. Selections - Deselect all
  32. Effects - 3D Effects- Drop Shadow
  33. Layers - Merge - Merge down

  34. Layer palette -Make Selection layer actif and give a Drop Shadow

  35. Layer palette - Activate top layer
  36. Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy5: Impact - Glass with these settings
    color = #acacac
  37. Layer palette, make bottom layer active
  38. Layers - Duplicate
  39. Close bottom layer

    and Layers - Merge Merge visible layers
  40. Layer palette - Open bottom layer, top layer is still active
  41. Selections - Select all
  42. Selections - Modify - contract with5
  43. Selections - Invert
  44. Floodfill tool - fill with the background color
  45. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel
  46. Selections - Deselect all
  47. Image - Resize

  48. Layers - Duplicate
  49. Make the original layer active
  50. Image - Free Rotate

    tool Select
  51. Press K on your keyboard - Make the layer smaller +/- 100pixels, using the nodes on both side of the image
  52. Place against the left border
  53. Layers - Duplicate
  54. Image - Mirror
  55. Layers - Merge - Merge down
  56. Adjust - Blur - Radial blur,same settings
  57. Layer palette - Blend mode BURN
  58. Layer palette - Make bottom layer active (raster 1)
  59. Effects - Plugins - <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 Andrews Filter 10 - Twins

    If you use other colors feel free to change these settings (try randomize)

  60. Layer palette - Top layer is active and
    Layers - Duplicate
  61. Image - Resize, same settings but with 90%
  62. Effects - Plugins - <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 Andrews Filter 10 - Twins -same settings
  63. Layers - Duplicate
  64. Activate the layer beneath
  65. Image - Free Rotate - 15% to the left
  66. Layer palette : Activate top layer again
  67. Layers - Duplicate
  68. Layer palette,make the original layer active
  69. Image - Free Rotate - 15% right
  70. Layer palette: Close the two bottom layers
  71. Layers - Merge - Merge visible layers
  72. Image - Resize 90% same settings
  73. Effects - 3D Effects- Drop Shadow

    Layer palette -open the closed layers
  74. Layer palette - Activate de bottom layer
  75. Effects - Plugins - Flaming Pear -Ornament

    Make top layer active again
  76. Activate the tube from Guismo calguiscolored25110 (the original, not your copy)
  77. Edit - Copy and close
  78. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  79. Image - Mirror
  80. Image - Resize - 70% -Smart size -Resize all layers not checked
  81. Move tool - Drag against the left border
  82. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
  83. Selections - Select all
  84. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 5 pixels background color
  85. Selections - Invert
  86. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel same settings as used before
  87. Effects - Plugins - <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 Andrews Filter 10 - Twins -same settings
  88. Selections - Select all
  89. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 50 pixels foreground color
  90. Selections - Invert
  91. Adjust - Blur - Radial blur,with these settings
  92. Effects - 3D Effects- Cutout
  93. And repeat with Vertical and Horizontal = -5
  94. Selections - Select all
  95. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 5 pixels background color
  96. Selections - Invert
  97. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel same settings as used before
  98. Selections - Deselect all
  99. Add watermark
  100. Effects - Plugins - OptikVervelabs - Virtual Photographer - Fall Colors
  101. File -Save as Give_a_name.jpg

So we reached the end. I hope you enjoyed this lesson

second example with tubes from Anna br