This lesson was written by Jille in the Dutch version from PSP XIII
on March 13 2011.
I followed my own inspiration. Any connection with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence
It is possible to make this lesson in lower versions as well
Second example with tubes from JHanna, Jenny and Annelies
3rd example with tubes from Gina and images from the internet (Bing)
Kang4 can be imported in <I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact - Perspective Shadow en Extrude
Dynasty Plugins - Tomorrow
Credits and Material:
@nn_230610_mask_025_tdstudio.PspMask visit the website TDStudio
1_tubed by Gini.pspimage
k@rine_ dreams _pretty_women_787_octobre 2009
background: jhanna_132 bground
visit Group from JHanna
Gradient X peachy Keen
I thank the makers from backgrounds, the mask and the tubes for their beautiful work. This lesson would not exist without their effort
Material: download here
Install filters.
Kang4 can be imported in<I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2after opening the program
Extract the selections into the map Selections
Extract the gradient into the map Gradients
Open PSP
Open tubes in the program and minimize
Foreground color = white and background color = black
I used these colors #d5a08d #5b1a1a later in the lesson
Material of the foreground - prepare a radial Xpeachy
Keen gradient
Material of the background - prepare foreground/background gradient - linear
The lesson
- File - New - New Image - Transparent checked
- Flood fill tool- fill with foreground gradient
- Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
- Adjust - Blur- Gaussian Blur - radius 15
- Effects - Texture effects - Weave
- Layers - New raster layer
- Flood fill tool - fill with background layer
- Layer palette : Blend Mode = Soft light
- Open the tube Accent
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Layers - New raster layer
- Selections - Select all
- Edit - paste into selection
- Layer palette - Make bottom layer actif
- Selections -
Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load
- Layer palette - Promote selection to layer
- Layer palette - Arrange - bring to front - keep selection
- Material palette - Material foreground= Black and material background = white. Close background material - click the little when you can't close
- Layers - New raster layer
- Flood fill tool - fill with black
- Load/save mask - load mask from disk and load @nn_230610_mask_025_tdstudio.PspMask
- Layers - Merge - Merge group
- Selections - Deselect all
- Activate Pen tool with these settings
draw a line see example - click checkmark to apply
- Layer palette - Convert to raster layer
- Layers - New raster layer
- Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Bosarts2
- Flood fill tool - fill with black
- Selections - Deselect all
- Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy5: Impact - Extrude
- Layer palette - Arrange - move down
and repeat -
Layer palette - Arrange - move down
- Layers - Merge - Merge visible
- Layers - New raster layer
- Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Bosarts_3
- Open the tube bg_bosarts1
- Edit - Copy
- On your working area - Edit and paste into selection
- Open the tube sg_sakura_frame02
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Layers - New raster layer
- Edit and paste into selection
- Selections - Modify - contract with10
- Open the tube k@rine_ dreams _pretty_women_787_octobre 2009
- With tube layer actif
Image - Resize - 80% - Smart size
- Edit - Copy and close without saving
- On your working area - Edit and Paste as new layer
- Move tool - drag tube before the frame
- Selections - Invert and click delete on your keyboard
- Selections - Deselect all
- Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy5: Impact - Perspective Shadow
- Layers - Merge - Merge down
- Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy5: Impact - Perspective Shadow - same settings
- Layers - New raster layer
- Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Bosarts_4
- Open background jhanna_132 bground
- Image -Rotate left
- Edit - Copy and close - without saving
- On your working area (900/600) - Edit and paste into selection
- Open the tube 1 tubed by Gini
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area (900/600) - Edit and paste into selection
- Selections - Modify - Select selection borders
- Flood fill tool - fill with black
- Selections - Deselect all
- Material palette - foreground properties - foreground - background gradient with these settings
- Layers - New raster layer
- Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Bosarts_5
- Flood fill tool - Fill selection with gradient
- Effects - Plugins - <I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 Kang 4
- Layers - Duplicate
- Effects - Plugins - Dynasty Plugins - Tomorrow
- Layer palette -Opacity 10 - Blend Mode Hard light
- Material palette - replace foreground gradient with color #5b1a1a
- Layers - New raster layer
- Selections - Modify - Expand 2 pixels
- Selections - Modify - Select selection borders - same settings
- Flood fill tool - Fill with color #5b1a1a
- Selections - Deselect all
- Layers - Merge - Merge down - and repeat once more
- Open the tube calguispaintbodies819
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Resize - 80% - Resize all layers - not checked
- Move tool - drag into the frame
- Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy5: Impact - Perspective Shadow - same settings
- Open the tube mr_aminata
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Resize - 1 x 40% and 1 x 80% - Resize all layers - not checked
- Move tool - move to the right
- Layer palette - Opacity 90
- Layers - Duplicate
- Layer palette - activate original tube layer
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - radius 15
Layer palette - Opacity of this layer = Normal
- Open the tube calguisombreetlumiere9109
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Mirror
- Image - Resize - 50% - Resize all layers - not checked
- Move tool - move to bottom right
- Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy5: Impact - Perspective Shadow - same settings
- Selections - Select all
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 10 pixels color #5b1a1a
- Selections - Invert
- Effects - Texture effects - Weave - same settings
- Selections - Deselect all
- On the left I add the text BOSARTS
Material palette as follows The gradient adapts automatically
I did it this way
- Click the check mark to apply and
Layer palette - convert to raster layer
- Add watermark
- File -Save as Give_a_name.jpg
So we reached the end. I hope you enjoyed this lesson
- Beautiful example made by Jo Anne - thank you my friend