
This lesson was written by Jille in the Dutch version of PSP 3 on Januari 24 2011. I followed my own inspiration. Any connection with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence
It is possible to make this lesson in lower versions as well
Extra example with tubes from Fafa, Sara and Annelies

Credits and Material
Font: coronet.ttf (install or minimize)
fafatube1142- casal.pspimage
Maxyran_13_01_11 Women345.pspimage (open all tubes in the program and minimize) Visit her group
Masker: ShowLetter2.jpg (open ion the program)

Download material

AAA FotoFrames
Tramages Tow the line
VM Distortion - Vision Impossible can be imported in <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2)

Foreground color = white and background color = #82b0da

Material foreground: Change into Foreground - background gradient with these settings

The lesson

  1. File - New - New Image - click with your right mouse button in the color box and choose the gradient
  2. Effects - Plugins - <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 - VM Distortion
  3. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  4. Layers - Duplicate
  5. Layers - New mask layer - from image
  6. Layers - Merge - Merge group
  7. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  8. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow


  9. Open the tube fafatube1142- casal
  10. Edit - Copy and close
  11. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  12. Image - Resize - 90% with these settings
  13. Move tool - move to the left bottom corner
  14. Eraser tool with these settings

    erase the lines on the woman's face made by the the layer beneath (that layer must be active)
  15. Layer palette - Make top layer active again
  16. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings
  17. Open the tube fafatube1538-mulher-silhueta
  18. Edit - Copy and close
  19. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  20. Image - Resize - same settings
  21. Move tool - move see example
  22. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings
  23. Layers - New Raster layer
  24. Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Fashion1
  25. Flood fill tool - fill with the gradient
  26. Effects - Plugins - <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 - VM Distortion -Vision Impossible with these settings
  27. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  28. Open de tube Maxyran_13_01_11 Women345
  29. Make a copy with shift + D (on your keyboard) and close the original tube
  30. with the tube layer active
    Image - Resize - 450 pixels HEIGHT
  31. Edit - Copy and close
  32. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
  33. Selections - Deselect all
  34. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
  35. Layers - Merge- merge down
  36. Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load the same selection Fashion1
  37. Effects - 3D Effects - buttonize
  38. Selections - Deselect all
  39. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings
  40. Layer palette - Close this layer and make the layer beneath active
  41. Layers - New Raster layer
  42. Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Fashion2
  43. Flood fill tool - fill with the gradient
  44. Effects - Plugins - <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 - VM Distortion same settings
  45. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  46. Open the tube fafatube1550-mulher
  47. Make a copy with shift + D (on your keyboard) and close the original tube
    With the tube layer active.
  48. Image - Resize - 305 pixels HEIGHT
  49. Edit - Copy and close
  50. On your own image - Edit and paste as new layer (move to the left bottom corner)
  51. Selections - Deselect all
  52. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings
  53. Layers - Merge- merge down
  54. Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Fashion2 again
  55. Effects - 3D Effects - buttonize- same settings
  56. Selections - Deselect all
  57. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings
  58. Layers - New Raster layer
  59. Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Fashion3
  60. Flood fill tool - fill with the gradient
  61. Effects - Plugins - <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 - VM Distortion same settings
  62. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  63. Open the tube fafatube1544-mulher
  64. Image - Resize - 305 pixels HEIGHT
  65. Edit - Copy and close
  66. On your own image - Edit and paste as new layer
  67. Selections - Deselect all
  68. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings
  69. Layers - Merge- merge down
  70. Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Fashion3 again
  71. Effects - 3D Effects - buttonize- same settings
    Selections - Deselect all
  72. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings
  73. Layer palette - Open the top layer,but make Raster 3 active

  74. Open the tube Lijnen_Fashion1_Jille
  75. Edit - Copy and close
  76. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  77. Move tool -Move to the right see example
  78. Open the tube Lijnen_Fashion2_Jille
  79. Edit - Copy and close
  80. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  81. Move tool - see example
  82. Layers - Duplicate
  83. Move to the left and up
  84. Duplicate again and move to the left - layers should only touch
  85. Layer palette - Make top layer active
    Close all layers , except the 3 top layers with the images and afterwards
    Edit - Copy Special - Copy merged
  86. Edit and Paste as new image
  87. Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load Fashion4
  88. Image - Crop to selection
  89. Layers - New Raster layer
  90. Flood fill tool - fill with the gradient
  91. Adjust - Add/Remove noise- Add noise
  92. Layer palette - Arrange - send to bottom
  93. Layers - Merge- Merge all (flatten)
  94. Image - Resize - 20%
  95. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 10 pixels black
  96. Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Transparent frame
  97. Edit - Copy and close
  98. On your working area 900/600 px - Edit - Paste as a new layer
  99. Move tool - move to the left and higher
  100. Activate the little image again
  101. Effects - Foto effects - Black and White film
  102. Move tool - drag to the right and lower

  103. Preparation for text -Close foreground color and background color = black
    Activate text tool with these settings

    and write fashion
  104. Click checkmark to apply
    Move if necessary
  105. Layer palette - Convert to raster layer
  106. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 3 pixels black
  107. Layers - Duplicate
  108. Image - Resize - 90% - Resize all layers not checked
  109. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - same settings
  110. Material palette - background color back to #82b0da, open material of the foreground and reset on gradient
  111. Activate bottom layer and flood fill with the gradient
  112. Effects - Plugins - Filter <IC Net Software> Filters Unlimited - Tramages - Tow the line
  113. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2 pixels black
  114. Add watermark
  115. File -Save as Give_a_name.jpg

So we reached the end. I hope you enjoyed this lesson