This lesson was written by Jille in the Dutch version from PSP XIII
op October 15 2010
I followed my own inspiration. Any connection with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence
It is possible to make this lesson in lower versions as well
second example tube Claudiavizo
Credits and Material
I thank the tubers for their lovely work. This lesson would not exist without their effort.
Tubes and background:
Open in the program and minimize
hanna_275 tube.pspimage
hanna_161 background.jpg
jhanna_132 bground.jpg
Tube group from Johanna visit here
Mask roundandsquaremask_gs.jpg
Open in the program and minimize
visit website
- used with permission from AG Schepers
Font BETHNY-H.TTF - Install or minimize
Selection - Extract to the map selections
Preset - Preset_GaussianBlur_Aquarel.PspScript -extract in the map presets
Download material here
Mura's Meister - Tone
Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow
Foreground color =
and background color
Material Foreground - prepare foreground - background gradient with these settings
The lesson :
- File - New - New Image - transparent checked
- Flood fill tool - fill with the gradient
- Adjust - Blur - Radial blur
- Layers - Duplicate
- Image - Mirror
- Image - Flip
- Layers - New Mask layer - From image
- Layers - Merge - Merge group
- Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow
- Open Background jhanna_161 background
- Edit - Copy and close.
- Back to your own work : Make bottom layer active
- Layers - New Raster layer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Selections - Select all
- Edit - Paste into selection
- Selections - Deselect all
- Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
- Layer palette - Blend mode = Soft light
- Activate top layer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Selections - Selections - Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load
- Effects -Plugins - Mura's Meister - Tone (with Background color
- Selections - Deselect all
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Selection tool - Custom selection
- Flood fill tool - fill with Background color
- Selections - Modify - Select selection borders
- Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel
- Selections - Deselect all
- Magic Wand Tool - Tolerance and feather = 0 - click in the red area
- Edit - Clear (or Delete on your keyboard) - selections stays active
- Open the background jhanna_132 bground
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Layers - New Raster layer
- Edit - Paste into selection
- Layer palette - Opacity 63 and Blend mode = Overlay - Selection stays active
- Activate mask layer in your Layer palette - Edit - Clear (or delete on your keyboard)
- Selections - Deselect all
- Make top layer active again
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 3 pixels - Background color
- Selections - Select all
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - foreground color
- Selections -Invert
- Flood fill tool - Fill with the gradient
- Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur
- Effects - Plugins - Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow
- Effects - Plugins - Mura's Meister - Tone Same settings
- Selections - Deselect all
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 3 pixels - Background color
- Open the tube jhanna_275 tube
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Resize - 80% Smart size - Resize all layers not checked
- Effects - Image effects - Offset
- Free hand selection tool - Point to Point
- Select that part of the tube that comes out of the frame
- Selections - Modify - Feather 9 pixels
- Edit - Clear (or delete on your keyboard)
- Selections - Deselect all
- Layer palette - Opacity 44 and Blend mode = Luminance (legacy)
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow
- Open the tube
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Resize - 80% Smart size - Resize all layers not checked
- Image - Mirror
- Move tool - to the left see example
- Layer palette - Blend Mode Luminance (legacy)
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow Same settings
- Open the tube dyp_mothersdaypoems5b
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Resize - 1 x 50% Smart size - Resize all layers not checked
- And repeat with 1 x 80%
- Move tool - to the left see example
- Open the tube FM-SuC-Element-69.pspimage
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Resize - 1 x 80% Smart size- Resize all layers = not checked
- And repeat (fast keys Ctrl + Y) twice
- Layer palette - Blend mode Luminance (legacy)
- Move tool - see example
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow
- Preparation for text : Material palette as follows (FG color lock and flip the colors)
- Activate text tool with these settings
and write Johanna
- Click check mark to apply
- Turn the node in the right direction
Move if necessary
- Layer palette - Convert to raster layer
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow
- Layers - Merge - Merge all (flatten)
- Add watermark
- Image - Resize - 900 pixels width
- File -Save as Give_a_name.jpg
So we reached the end. I hope you enjoyed this lesson