
This lesson was written by Jille in the Dutch version from PSP XIII
on October 26 2010
I followed my own inspiration. Any connection with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence
It is possible to make this lesson in lower versions as well

Credits and Material
I thank the tubers for their lovely work. This lesson would not exist without their effort.
Gaby chg_9_15062010
Alies 70 - Bloemen - 11062009
Natascha House-of-Dreams
1Patries_HH37-RogerKent 27_10-9-09
FontEdwardian script

Download material here
Download gradient Vakantie here and extract to the map gradients

Sapphire Filters 01 import in Filters Unlimited 2
Jeu de lignes - Entrelacement
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Perspective shadow
Filter page

Minimize or install font
Open the PSP program
Open the tubes and the background in the program and minimize
Import filter Sapphire in Filters Unlimited 2

Material palette
Foreground color = white and background color = #766e6f

Material Foreground - prepare Vakantie gradient with these settings

The lesson

  1. File - New - New Image - transparent checked
  2. Fill the image with the gradient
  3. Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
  4. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur - radius 12
  5. Layers - New Raster layer
  6. Selections - Select all
  7. Open the Image tag20back20dogwoodgif-vi
  8. Edit - Copy and close
  9. On your working area - Edit - Paste into selection
  10. Selections -Deselect all
  11. On this layer - Selection tool - Custom selection
  12. Edit - Clear or delete on your keyboard
  13. Flood fill tool - Fill selection with background color
  14. Selections - Modify - Contract with 1 pixel
  15. Edit - Clear or delete on your keyboard -selection stays active
  16. Layers - New Raster layer
  17. Open the tube House-of-Dreams
  18. Edit - Copy and close
  19. On your working area - Edit - Paste into selection
  20. Selections -Deselect all
  21. Layer Palette - Blend mode = Luminance (legacy)
  22. Move tool - Move a little to the right

  23. Open de tube chg_9_15062010
  24. Edit - Copy and close
  25. On your working area - Edit en Paste as new layer
  26. Effects - Image Effects - Offset
  27. Layer Palette - Opacity = 70
  28. Layers - Duplicate
  29. Selection tool - Custom selection
  30. Edit - Clear or delete on your keyboard
  31. Selections -Deselect all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  32. Layer Palette - Activate original layer
  33. Effects - Plugins - Jeu de lignes - Entrelacement
  34. Layer Palette -decrease opacity a little (65 à 70)
  35. Material palette- Close foreground color
  36. Activate Text tool with these settings

    and write your text (November luidt = my text)
  37. Click check mark to apply
  38. Move if necessary
  39. Layer Palette - Convert to raster layer
  40. Effects - 3D Effects -Drop shadow
  41. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel
  42. Layer Palette - Blend mode Hard Light
  43. Activate the poem - Edit - Copy and close
  44. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
    write your own text
    Text tool
  45. Click check mark to apply
  46. Move if necessary
  47. Layer Palette - Convert to raster layer
  48. Effects - 3D Effects -Drop shadow
  49. Layers - Merge - Merge all (flatten)
  50. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked- 1 pixel background color
  51. Selections - Select all
  52. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked- 40 pixels foreground color
  53. Selections - invert
  54. Flood fill tool - fill with the gradient
  55. Effects - 3D effects- cutout
  56. And repeat with Vertical and horizontal = - 5
  57. Adjust - Blur - Radial blur - attention different settings
  58. Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited2 Sapphire filter 01 - Standard settings
  59. Selections -Deselect all
  60. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked- 3 pixels background color
  61. Open the tube Alies 70 - Bloemen - 11062009
  62. Edit - Copy and close
  63. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
  64. Image - Mirror
  65. Move see example

  66. Effects - Plugins -Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Perspective shadow
    Drop Shadow blurry en click OK

  67. Open 1Patries_HH37-RogerKent 27_10-9-09
  68. Edit - Copy and close
  69. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
  70. Image - Mirror
  71. Image - Resize - 50% - Resize all layers - not checked
  72. Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
  73. Move tool - place in right bottom corner
  74. Layer Palette - Luminance (legacy)
  75. Image - Duplicate
  76. Image - Resize - 50% - Resize all layers - not checked
  77. Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen
  78. Layer Palette - Blend mode = normal
  79. Effects - Plugins -Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Perspective shadow
    Drop Shadow blurry and click OK
  80. Layer Palette - Activate the layer with the flower tube
  81. Eraser tool with these settings

    erase the spots on the flower tube and on the mushroom
  82. Layers - Merge - Merge all (flatten)
  83. Add watermark
  84. File -Save as Give_a_name.jpg

So we reached the end. I hope you enjoyed this lesson