This lesson was written by Jille on Februari 4 2010 in the Dutch version from PSP 13. It can be made in other versions as well
I followed my own ideas, any connection with an existing lesson is a coincidence
Filters used
Virtual Painter 4
Picture Man Collection: Art Gallery (Oil Paint en 3D mosaic)
Dynasty Plugins (Tomorrow)
Credits and Material
Kader (Frame)
Tubes: download
Font: download Preparation
Install filters
Open PSP
Open and minimize your tubes in the program or install in a folder of your choice.
Foreground color = #d6b4e5 and Background color = white
Material Foreground:
Gradient Fading foreground (Corel_06029)with these settings
the Lesson
File - New - New image white
Flood Fill Tool: - fill the image with the gradient
Layers - New Raster Layer
Selections - Select all
Open the tube kts_-Šigolochka_24
Edit - Copy
Close the tube
On your working area - Edit paste into selection
Selections - deselect all
Effects - Plugins - Virtual Painter - Virtual Painter 4
Effects - Plugins - Picture Man Collection: Art Gallery 3D Mosaic with these settings
Layer palette opacity = 100 and blend mode Soft Light
- layers - duplicate
Image - mirror
Layer palette - opacity = 100 and blend mode Hard light
This is the result
Actvate the tube Kaders
Edit - Copy
Close the tube
- Layers - New Raster layer
On your working area- Selection Tool - Custom selection with these settings
Edit - paste into selection
Selections - deselect all
- Layer palette - Rename - give this layer the name Kader (Frame)
- Magic Wand Tool with these settings
Select all the white frames
- Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds with these settings
- Selections - deselect all
- On the same layer: click with the Magic Wand Tool (same settings) in the middle of the 3 top frames
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Flood fill tool - fill with white
- Effects - Plugins - Dynasty ¨Plugins - Tomorrow with these settings
- Layer palette: blend mode = burn
- Selections - deselect all
- Make the layer Kader (Frame) active again and click with the magic wand tool in the 3 squares at the bottom
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Flood fill tool - fill selection with white
- Effects - Plugins - Dynasty ¨Plugins - Tomorrow same settings
- Selections - deselect all
- Layer palette - blend modeHard light
- Make layer Kader (Frame)1 active again and click in the 3 frames in the middle
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Flood fill tool - fill selection with white
- Effects - Plugins - Dynasty ¨Plugins - Tomorrow with these settings
- Selections - deselect all
- Layer palette - blend mode = Luminance
This is your Layer palette
- Material palette- Replace gradient by color
- Make copy from Raster1 active (the layer beneath Kader (Frame) - see example)
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Selection tool - Custom selection with these settings
- Flood Fill Tool - fill with foreground color
- Selections - deselect all
- Activate layer Kader (Frame) again
- Layers - Duplicate
- Image - mirror
- Activate layer Kader (Frame)1 - Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow with these settings
- Open the tube kts_17_07_2c
- Edit - Copy
- Close the tube
- On your image - Activate top layer
- Edit - paste as new layer
- Image - resize - 80%
- Move tool - Move to the bottom and a little to the right
- Layers - Duplicate
- Activate original tube layer- Blur - Gaussian blur- radius 20
- Activate top layer- move a little to the left to see more from the Gaussian blur
- Again - Layers - Duplicate
- Move tool - move to the right
- Layer palette -blend mode = Overlay
This is the result
- If all tubes are on the right place
Layers - Merge - merge visible
- Material palette - Foreground color = white and BG color = #3e1a4e
- Activate text tool with these settings (FiresitheChatNF - grootte 68)
- Write Mathilde
- Layer palette - convert to raster layer
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow with these settings
- Move tool - Move text to a nice place
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 pixels BG color#3e1a4e
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 20 pixels white
- Magic wand tool - Select this border
- Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout
- Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds - same settings
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 pixels BG color #3e1a4e
- File - Save As- Give_a_name.jpg
So this was it, I hope you enjoyed this lesson
example from Curley Rietdijk