Me and My Cat

This lesson was written by me, Jille, on April 6th, 2010 in the Dutch version of PSP X3. The lesson can be made in other versions as well.
I followed my own ideas, any connection with an existing lesson is a coincidence.
2d example


Flaming Pear Transline (freebies)
Mura's Meister
DSB flux
Filter Factory D
Alien Skin Eye Candy Inpact 5

Credits and Material:
- A texture from this website
- Font Univox
- Tube - 1Patries_DR137- Catwalk-29-7-09.pspimage
- Tube - Anna
- Tube - barbara-felisky-countrystreet-lp.pspimage
- Tube - Chartreux
- Tube - JB_Egyptian_vase.pspimage
- Tube - kts_cadre-noel10-copie.pspimage
- Tube - sonja-tube-divan-meubel-2006.pspimage

Material, selection and texture download here

I thank the tubers for their lovely material

Install the Filters in your map with Filters ( import Factory D into <I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2 after opening the program)
Extract Selections into your map with selections
Extract Texture into your map textures
Install Font or minimize
Open PSP
Import filter factory D in <I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2
Open tubes in the program and minimize, or place them in a map of your choice
I choose #68696e for the foreground and #c5cddb for the background

Change the material from the foreground into a Foreground- Background gradient with these settings

The lesson

  1. File - New - New image - transparent checked - 800/600 pixels
  2. Floof Fill Tool - fill with the gradient
  3. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur -radius 10
  4. Effects - Plugins - Dsb flux - blast
  5. Layers - Duplicate
  6. Image - mirror
  7. Layers palette - Blend Mode = Hard Light
  8. Layers - Merge - Merge visible
  9. Layers - Duplicate
  10. Effects - Plugins - Filter Factory D - Infini tiles
  11. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  12. Layers palette - Opacity 27 - Blend Mode = Overlay
  13. Layers - Duplicate
  14. Image - mirror
  15. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  16. Layers - Merge - Merge visible
  17. Layers - Duplicate
  18. Selections - Select All
  19. Selections - Modify - Contract 20 px
  20. Selections - Invert
  21. Flood Fill Tool - Fill with background color
  22. Selections - Select None
  23. Image - Resize - 80% - Smart Size - Resize all layers - not checked
  24. Layers - Duplicate
  25. Image - Resize - 80% - Smart Size - Resize all layers - not checked
  26. Layers - Duplicate
  27. Image - Free rotate 90° - right
  28. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
  29. Repeat drop shadow with Vertical and Horizontal = -5
    This is the result

  30. Effects - Plugins - Mura Meister's Pole Transform

  31. Close the two upper layers and make bottom layer active
  32. Layers - Merge - Merge visible
    The merged layer stays active
  33. Selection Tool - Custom Selection
  34. Effects - Plugins - Mura Meister's Perspective Tiling
  35. Selections - Select None
  36. Layer palette - Open the closed layers- Make top layer active
  37. Effects - Image Effects - Offset
  38. Layer palette - Make middle layer active
  39. Effects - Image Effects - Offset

    This is the result
  40. Make bottom layer active
  41. Layers - New Raster Layer
  42. Material palette - Solid color instead of gradient
  43. Selection Tool - Custom Selection
  44. Flood Fill Tool - fill selection with foreground color
  45. Effects - Texture Effects - Texture (color = background color)
  46. Layers - New Raster Layer
  47. Selection Tool - Custom Selection
  48. Flood Fill Tool - fill selection with foreground color
  49. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel
  50. Selections - Select None
  51. Make top layer active
  52. Effects - Plugins - Flaming Pear - Transline
  53. Layers - New Raster Layer
  54. Selections - Load/Save selection- Load selection from disk

  55. Open tube kts_cadre-noel10-copie

    the part we need is selected
  56. Edit - Copy - Close the tube
  57. On your working area - Edit - Paste into selection- Keep selected
  58. Layers palette - Arrange - Move down
  59. Open the tube barbara-felisky-countrystreet-lp
  60. Edit - Copy - Close the tube
  61. On your working area - Layers - New Raster Layer
  62. Edit - Paste into selection
  63. Selections - Select None
  64. Layer palette - Arrange - Move down
  65. Layer palette - Make bottom layer active
    Result should be this

  66. Image - Canvas size
  67. Magic Wand Tool - Tolerance and feather = 0 - click in the empy area on the left
  68. Flood Fill Tool - flood fill with foreground color
  69. Layer palette -promote selection to layer
  70. Layers palette - arrange - bring to top
  71. Effects - Texture Effects- Texture -same settings as used before
  72. Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy Impact 5 - Extrude
  73. Selections - Select None
  74. Push letter K on the keyboard and pull up a little
  75. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
  76. Layers - Duplicate
  77. Image - mirror

  78. Open the tube sonja-tube-divan-meubel-2006
  79. Tube layer has to be active - Edit - Copy - Close the tube
  80. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
  81. Image - Resize - Smart Size and resize all layers not checked
    - resize 1x op 80%
    - resize 1x op 90%
    Note - with Smart Size there is no need to sharpen afterwards. You may prefer to sharpen anyway because we have to resize it a lot
  82. Move Tool - place against the window
  83. Open de tube JB_Egyptian_vase
  84. Tube layer has to be active - Edit - Copy - Close the tube
  85. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
  86. Image - Resize - Smart Size and resize all layers not checked
    - resize 4 x 80%
    - resize1 x 90%
  87. Move Tool - place left from the window
  88. Open de tube 1Patries_DR137- Catwalk-29-7-09
  89. Tube layer has to be active - Edit - Copy - Close the tube
  90. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
  91. Image - Resize - Smart Size and resize all layers not checked
    - resize 3 x 80%
  92. Move Tool - give it a nice spot
  93. Open de tube chartreux
  94. Tube layer has to be active - Edit - Copy - Close the tube
  95. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
  96. Image - Resize - Smart Size and resize all layers not checked
    - resize 2 x 50%
    - resize 1x 80%
  97. Move Tool - lay gently down on the sofa
  98. Open de tube Anna
  99. Tube layer has to be active - Edit - Copy - Close the tube
  100. On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
  101. Image - Resize - 77% - Smart Size and resize all layers not checked
  102. Move Tool - give it a nice spot
  103. Layers - Merge - Merge all (flatten)
  104. Material palette- Foreground color = #7b819e - same backgroundcolor
    Change to gradient - same settings
  105. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 pixel black
  106. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric NOT checked - Foreground color
  107. Select using the Magic Wand Tool and flood fill with the gradient
  108. Effects - Texture Effects - Sandstone
  109. Selections - Invert
  110. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
  111. Repeat Drop Shadow with Vertical and Horizontal = -4
  112. Selections - Select None
  113. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 pixel black
  114. Material palette for the text
    Close Foreground color and background color = #68696e
  115. Activate text tool

    write me and my cat
  116. Click apply or click the check mark PSP X3
  117. Move to its place
  118. Layer palette - Convert to Raster layer
  119. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
  120. Layers - Duplicate
  121. Image - Flip
  122. Move Tool - place under the first text
  123. Layers palette - Opacity = 89
  124. Effects - Distortion Effects- Wind from the left 100°
  125. Place watermark
  126. Image - Resize - 900 pixels width - Smart Size - resize all layers checked
  127. File - Save As- Give_a_name.jpg

So this was it, I hope you enjoyed this lesson