I have no name

This lesson was written by Jille on August 10 2010 in the Dutch version from PSP 13. The lesson can be made in other versions as well.
I followed my own ideas, any resemblance with an existing lesson is a coincidence
tradotto in Italiano da Pinuccia. Grazie

Credits and Material
Tube - BC-transparent-wings-xeno.pspimage
Text file- dream_tekst.pspimage
Tube - jhanna_271 tube.pspimage
tube: NS_7_2810_09.pspimage
Mask @nn_130610_mask_010 TD Studio
Mask @nn_120410_mask_003 TD Studio
Preset_UserDefinedFilter_5x5 Laplacian edge detection.PspScript

I thank the tubers and the designer from the images for all the nice material
Download material here

Flaming Pear - Flood
Richard Roseman - Solid Border
Filter page

Install filters
Extract Mask into the map Masks
Extract Preset_UserDefinedFilter into the map Presets
Open PSP program
Open tubes in the program and minimize

Foreground color #f15d12
Background color #6d5224
Change Foreground color into FG-BG gradient with these settings

The lesson

  1. File - New - New image transparent checked
  2. Flood fill the image with the gradient
  3. Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
  4. Layers - New Raster layer
  5. Fill with background color
  6. Layers - Load/save mask from disk - Load mask from disk
  7. Layer palette - Merge - Merge group
  8. Layers - New Raster layer
  9. Selections - Select all
  10. Open the scenery tube NS_7_2810_09.pspimage
  11. Edit - Copy - Close
  12. On your working area - Edit - Paste into selection
  13. Selections - Deselect all
  14. On this layer- Selection tool - Custom selection
  15. Layer palette -Promote selection to layer
  16. Effects -Plugins - Flaming Pear Flood
  17. Selections - Deselect all
  18. Layer palette - Blend mode Luminance (legacy)

  19. Open the tube BC-transparent-wings-xeno.pspimage
  20. Activate bottom tube layer: Edit - Copy
  21. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  22. Move tool - place left
  23. Back to the tube - Activate layer in the middle - Edit - Copy
    (do not close the tube yet)
  24. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  25. Move tool - Place at the right
    The wing must touch in the middle of your image
  26. Layers - Merge- Merge down
  27. Effects - User defined filter
  28. Layers - Merge- Merge visible
  29. Material palette - Replace gradient with Fading white gradient Corel 06_028)
  30. Layers - New Raster layer - fill with the gradient
  31. Layers - Load/save mask from disk - Load mask from disk
  32. Layer palette - Merge - Merge group
  33. Layer palette - Blend mode = Overlay
  34. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
  35. Effects - Texture effects - Blinds
  36. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (background color)
  37. Layers - Merge- Merge all (flatten)
  38. Edit - COPY!!!!!!!!
  39. Image - Resize - - 80% Smart size
  40. Effects - Plugins - Richard Rosenman - Solid Border

  41. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric NOT checked
  42. Magic Wand tool - click in the white part
  43. Layer palette - Promote selection to layer
  44. Edit - Paste into selection
  45. Adjust - Blur - Radial blur same settings
  46. Layers - Duplicate
  47. Layer palette - Blend mode Soft light
  48. Selections - Deselect all

  49. Activate the tube with the wings again
  50. Repeat steps 18 till 23 included ( On your working area copy and paste wings) - Place them upon the other wings
  51. Layers - Merge - Merge down
  52. Layer palette - Blend mode = Overlay
  53. Open the file Dream_tekst
  54. Edit - Copy and Close
  55. Move tool - move to the left
  56. Open the tube JHanna 271 tube.pspimage
  57. Edit - Copy and Close
  58. On your working area - Edit and paste as new layer
  59. Image - Mirror
  60. Move tool - to the right
  61. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
  62. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 4 pixels black
  63. Add Watermark
  64. File - Save As- Give_a_name.jpg

    So this was it, I hope you enjoyed this lesson