Her Paradise World
This lesson was written by me, Jille, in the Dutch version of PSP3 on March, the 17th, 2010. I followed my own ideas, any ressemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence. This lesson can be made in others versions as well
none used
Credits and Material:
-Image: Her_Paradise_World_by_anaRasha.jpg
- Mask: dmsk0006.jpg
Material : download here
Font Kunstler Script
I thank the authors for the lovely material
Open PSP
Open image and mask in the program
Choose a light and a darker color from the image
I took
for the foreground and
- for the background
The lesson
- Open the image Her_Paradise_World_by_anaRasha.jpg
If you use an other image, choose one that is rectangular
- Make a copy Window - Duplicate (or shift D on your keyboard),close the original and proceed with the copy
- Selection Tool - Custom Selection
- Image - Crop to Selection (we made it rectangular)
- Make a second copy (shift D on your keyboard) - minimize for a while
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Flood fill tool - fill with the foreground color
- The mask dmsk0006.jpg has to be on the workspace of your PC but your own work is active
Layers - New Mask layer- From Image
- Layers - Merge - Merge all Layers (Flatten)
Close the mask
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2 pixels background color
- Image - Resize
- Minimize and activate the copy you made see item 5
- Selection Tool - Custom Selection
- Edit - Copy
- Selections - Select None
- Image - Canvas size
- Magic Wand Tool - Tolerance and Feather = 0 - click in the border to select
- Layer palette - promote selection to layer
- Pay attention : Activate the bottom layer - Edit - Copy in selection
- Activate top layer
- Material palette - change color of the foreground into Foreground-Background layer
- Flood fill tool - fill the selection with the gradient
- Effecten - Distortion Effects - Pixelate
- Layer palette - Opacity = 44
- Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
- Selections - Select None
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Selection Tool - Custom Selection
- Flood fill tool - fill with background color
- Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel
- Layers - Merge - Merge down
- Actvate bottom layer and activate the little frame you made see item 12
- Edit - Copy
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as New Layer
- Effects - Image Effects- Offset
- Layers - Duplicate
- Move Tool - move see example
- Activate bottom layer again
- Selection Tool - Custom Selection
- Edit - Copy
- Selections - Select None
- Image - Canvas size
- Magic Wand Tool - Tolerance and Feather = 0 - click in the border to select
- Edit - Paste into selection
- Activate the layer with the gradient - Layers - Duplicate
- Image - Mirror
- Activate Text Tool
and write Her Paradise World
- Click Apply and move if necessary
- Layer palette - Convert to raster layer
- Effects - 3D Effects- Drop Shadow
- Layers Merge - Merge all Layers (Flatten)
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2 pixels background color
- Selections - Select all
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 25 pixels foreground color
- Selecties - Invert
- Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
- Effects- 3D Effects - Cutout
- Selections - Select None
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 pixels background color
- Image - Resize
- Add Watermark
- File - Save As- Give_a_name.jpg
So this was it, I hope you enjoyed