
This lesson was written by Jille in the Dutch version from PSP13 on Juin, the 24th, 2010. I followed my own ideas, any ressemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence.
This lesson can be made in others versions as well

Second example- VM Tubes

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact: Perspective Shadow
Andromeda Perspective
Flaming Pear Flood
FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss

Credits and Material:




Thank you Ann TDStudio for the masks and thanks to the the tubers for the beautiful work

- Install the filters
- Extract masks and selections into their maps
- Open PSP
- Open the tubes in a map of your choice or open in the program PSP


Light foreground color( #fafbfa ) and darker background color( #758265 )

Foreground Material
Foreground-Background gradient with these settings

The lesson

  1. File - New - New Image - Background color - transparant checked
  1. Flood Fill Tool - fill with foreground gradient
  2. Layers - New Raster layer
  3. Flood Fill Tool - fill with background color
  4. Layers - Load/Save Mask from Disk - Load Mask from Disk
  5. Layers - Merge - Merge group

  6. Selections - Select all
  7. Selections - Float
  8. Selections - Defloat
  9. Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
  10. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel
  11. Effects - 3D Effects -Drop Shadow
  12. Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss standard settings

  13. Magic Wand Tool: Mode Replace

    Click in the ellips
  14. Selections - Modify - Expand with 10 pixels
  15. Layers - New Raster layer
  16. Layer Palette - Arrange - Move down !!!!
  17. Activate the tube anna
  18. Window - Duplicate (or Shift D on your keyboard) close the original and continue with the copie
  19. Image - Resize - 85% - Smart Size - All layers checked
    Tube layer has to be active
  20. Selections - Load/Save selection- Load selection from disk - load Swans_1

  21. Edit - Copy and close
  22. On your working area - Edit - Paste into selection
  23. Layers - Merge - Merge visible
    This is the result

  24. Selections - Select all
  25. Selections - Modify - Contract with 5 px
  26. Selections - Invert
  27. Flood fill Tool - Fill with the dark background color
  28. Selections - Deselect all

  29. Effects - Plugins - Andromeda Perspective

    On the last window (not shown here) click the checkmark Apply again
    Do not move
  30. Image - Resize - 80%
  31. Effects - Image Effects - Offset (-89 - 0)
  32. Lagen - Duplicate
  33. Image - Mirror
  34. Layers - Merge - Merge down

  35. Material palette - Change gradient see print screen
  36. Magic Wand Tool - same settings
    Click in the transparant part on top
  37. Layer Palette - Promote selection to layer
  38. Selection - Modify - Expand 4 px

  39. Flood fill Tool - Fill with the gradient
  40. Layers - New Raster layer
    Flood fill Tool - Fill with the dark background color
  41. Layers - Load/Save Mask from Disk - Load Mask from Disk
  42. Layers - Merge - Merge group

  43. Layers - Merge - Merge down
  44. Layer Palette - Arrange -Move down
    Keep bottom layer active
  45. Layers - New Raster layer
  46. Selection Tool- Custom selection
  47. Flood fill Tool - Fill with the gradient
  48. Effects - Plugins - Flaming Pear Flood
  49. Selections - Deselect all
  50. Layer Palette - Activate top layer
  51. Effects - 3D Effects -Drop Shadow


  52. Open the tube 141LU_GD_Birds
  53. Edit - Copy - close
  54. On your working area - Edit - Paste as New Layer
  55. Image - Mirror
  56. Image - Resize 50 %
  57. Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize
  58. Move Tool - Move to the top on the right
  59. Open the tube yoka-drawnart-fish-230610
  60. Edit - Copy -close
  61. On your working area - - Edit - Paste as New Layer
  62. Image - Mirror
  63. Image - Resize - same settings but 50%
  64. Repeat Resize 50%
  65. Move Tool - Place in the bottom part of your image, +/- in the middle
  66. Layers - Duplicate
  67. Image - Resize - same settings but 80%
  68. Move Tool- place behind the first fish
  69. Repeat 65, 66 and 67 untill you have 4 fishes
  70. Layers - Merge - Merge down
  71. Repeat until all fishes are on the same layer
  72. Image - Resize - 80%
  73. Layer Palette - Opacity 69
  74. Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin - Eye Candy 5 Impact Perspective Shadow

  75. Layers - Merge - Merge All (Flatten)
  76. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 px black
  77. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 5 px dark background color
  78. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 px black
  79. Selections - Select all
  80. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 25 px foreground color
  81. Selections - Invert
  82. Flood fill Tool - fill with the gradient
  83. Effects - Texture Effects
  84. Selections - Deselect all
  85. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 px black
  86. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - - 5 px dark background color
  87. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1 px black

  88. Add Watermark
  89. Image - Resize - 800 pixels large - All layers checked
    or smaller if that suits you better
  90. File - Save As- Give_a_name.jpg

    So this was it, I hope you enjoyed this lesson