The color white
This lesson was written by Jille in the Dutch version from PSP XIII
on March 13 2011.
I followed my own inspiration. Any connection with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence
It is possible to make this lesson in lower versions as well
Second example with tubes misted by Angel Keeper - poem Bill Grace
It@lian Editors Effect - Effeto Fantasma
AAA Frames - Foto Frame
Credits and Material: i
Brush @nn_0707710_018_set4_tdstudio
Ann's website
I thank the makers from the material for their beautiful work. This lesson would not exist without their effort
Material: download here
Install the filters
Extract brushes and selections into their maps
Open PSP
Open the tubes in the program and minimize
Foreground color = off white #FFFFF0
and background color #fbcfd0
The lesson
- Open background bg_Jille.pspimage.
Window - Duplicate or shift D on your keyboard. Close original and proceed with the copy
- Layers - Duplicate
- Effects - Plugins - It@lian Editors Effect - Effeto Fantasma
- Effects - Edge effects - Enhance more
- On this layer - Selection tool - Custom selection
- Selections - Flip
- Edit - Copy
- Selections - Deselect all
- Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Flip
- Image - Mirror
- Layers - Merge - Merge down
- Layer palette - Make bottom layer active
- Selection tool - Custom selection
- Layer palette - Promote selection to layer
- Layer palette - Arrange - bring to front
- Selections - Deselect all
- Effects - Plugins - It@lian Editors Effect - Effeto Fantasma
now with values 15/15
- Adjust - Sharpness - sharpen
and repeat Adjust - Sharpness - sharpen
- Open Effeto1_jille
- Edit - Copy and close
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Layer palette - Make bottom layer active
- Selections -
Load/save selection - load selection from disk and load
- Layer palette - Promote selection to layer
- Layer palette - Arrange - move to front
- Selections - Deselect all
- Effects - Plugins - It@lian Editors Effect - Effeto Fantasma
with values 10/10
- Effects - Edge effects - Enhance
- Layer palette - Blend mode Multiply
- Open the tube romance2509_di01-09
- Edit - Copy
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
Move tool - move to bottom
- Layers - Duplicate
- Repeat - Layers - Duplicate
- On the original tube layer
- Adjust - Blur- Gaussian Blur radius 12
- Move tool - pull to the left
- Layer palette - Blend mode = screen
- Layer palette - Activate the layer above
Layer palette - Blend mode = Multiply
- Layer palette - Activate top layer - Blend mode overlay en Opacity 82
- Layers - New raster layer
- Activate brush tool and choose brush Floral_Deco_Brushes_2_by_ro_stock_11
With these settings (size 330)
With foreground color
stamp here
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow
- Open de WordartTube 1WordArtPSP_joluvsdogs
- Freehand selection around text right under
- Edit - Copy
- Selections - Deselect all
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Move tool - move to bottom right
- Image - Negative (text becomes white)
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow
- Activate WordartTube 1WordArtPSP_joluvsdogs again
- Select text on upper left
- Edit - Copy - close without saving
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Move tool - move to frame left
- Image - Negative (text becomes white)
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow - same as point 52
- Material palette -foreground color = red color, I took #b9070b
- Layers - New raster layer
- Activate brush tool and choose brush @nn_260610_brush_015_set3_tdstudio
Place with red color under the text see example
- Material palette - foreground color back to FFFFF0 (off white)
- Layers - New raster layer
- Activate brush tool and choose brush @nn_0707710_018_set4_tdstudio
Place with foreground color see example
- Effects - Distortion Effects - Wind
- Effects - Edge effects - Enhance
- Layers - Merge - Merge visible
- Layers - Duplicate
- Effects - Image effects - Page curl
- Layer palette - Opacity 43
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2 pixels background color
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 10 pixels foreground color
- Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Foto Frame
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - - 1 pixels black
- Add watermark
- File -Save as Give_a_name.jpg
So we reached the end. I hope you enjoyed this lesson