
This lesson was written by Jille in the Dutch version from PSP3 on March, the 8th, 2010. I followed my own ideas, any ressemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence. This lesson can be made in others versions as well

No Filters used

Credits and Material:
- One mask(15)
- Beautiful child tubes from Tinnad
- Font FiresideChatNF
Tubes download
Texture here

Thank you Tinnad for these beautiful tubes.
I do not know who made the mask, but it is beautiful and I am grateful

Extract the texture in your map with textures
Minimize the font in the bottom menu of your PC
Open PSP
Open the mask in PSP and leave it on your workspace (minimized is OK)
Open tubes in the program or put them in a map of your choice


Choose a light color ( #d2afa9 ) for the foreground and a darker one for the background (#68302f)

Change the foreground material into a Foreground-background gradient with these settings

The lesson

  1. File - New - New Image - Background color - transparant checked
  2. Flood Fill Tool -Fill the image with the gradient
  3. Layers - New Raster Layer
    Switch the solid colors (click the little arrow on the right)
  4. Flood Fill Tool -Flood fill with the gradient
  5. The mask :"mask15" has to be on the PSP workplace, but your own work is active
  6. Layers - New Mask layer- From Image and choose mask15 in the menu

    Close the mask
  7. On your working area - Layers - Merge - Merge Group
  8. Effects- Edge Effects- Enhance
  9. Material - Switch the solid colors again
  10. Layers - New Raster Layer
  11. Selection Tool - Custom Selection - with these values

  12. Flood Fill Tool - flood fill with the dark background color
  13. Selections - Modify - Contract with 5
  14. Push delete key on your keyboard
  15. Layers - New Raster Layer
  16. Flood Fill Tool - Flood fill the selection with the gradient

    NOTE: If you use images instead of tubes , then you can skip the gradient background layer
  17. Selections - Select None
  18. Activate the Frame layer

    With the Magic Wand tool - Tolerance and Feather = 0 - select the dark border from 5 pixels
  19. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel (color = background color)
  20. Selections - Select none
  21. On this layer -click in the middle with the Magic Wand Tool
  22. Make the top layer active
  23. Open the first child tube and make the tube layer active

    Make a copy (Shift D on your keyboard) - Close the original and proceed with the copy
  24. Image - Resize - 70% - Smart Size
  25. Edit - Copy - Close without saving
  26. On your working area - Edit - Paste as New Layer
  27. With the Move Tool - Drag the tube beneath the selection see example
  28. Selections - Invert
  29. Push the Delete key on your keyboard
  30. Selections - Select None
  31. Layer Palette - Merge - Merge Down
  32. Edit - Repeat Merge Layer Down
  33. Effects- 3D Effects - Drop shadow

  34. Layers - New Raster Layer
  35. Selection Tool - Custom Selection - with these values
  36. Flood Fill Tool -flood fill with the dark background color
  37. Selections - Modify - Contract with 5
  38. Push delete on your keyboard
  39. Layers - New Raster Layer
  40. Flood Fill Tool - Flood fill the selection with the gradient
  41. Selections - Select None
  42. Activate the Frame layer
    With the Magic Wand tool - Tolerance and Feather = 0 - select the dark border from 5 pixels
  43. Effects- 3D Effects - Inner Bevel same settings
  44. Selections - Select None
  45. On this layer - Click in the middle with the Magic Wand Tool
  46. Activate the top layer
  47. Open the second child tube and make the tube layer active
  48. Make a copy (Shift D on your keyboard) - Close the original and proceed with the copy
  49. Image - Resize - 70% - Smart Size
  50. Edit - Copy - Close without saving
  51. On your working area - Edit - Paste as New Layer
  52. With the Move Tool - Drag the tube beneath the selection see example
  53. Selections - Invert
  54. Delete on your keyboard
  55. Selections - Select None
  56. Layer Palette - Merge - Merge Down
  57. Edit - Repeat Merge Down
    No drop shadow
  58. Layers - New Raster Layer
  59. Selection Tool- Custom Selection
  60. Flood Fill Tool -flood fill with the dark background color
  61. Selections - Modify - Contract with 5 pixels
  62. Push delete on your keyboard
  63. Layers - New Raster Layer
  64. Flood Fill Tool - flood fill with the gradient
  65. Selections - Select None
  66. Activate the Frame layer
    With the Magic Wand tool - Tolerance and Feather = 0 - select the dark border from 5 pixels
  67. Effects- 3D Effects - Inner Bevel - same settings
  68. Selections - Select None
  69. On this layer -click in the middle with the Magic Wand Tool
  70. Activate the top layer
  71. Open the third child tube and activate the tube layer
  72. Make a copy (Shift D on your keyboard) - Close the original and proceed with the copy
  73. Image - Resize - 70% - Smart Size
  74. Edit - Copy - Close without saving
  75. On your working area - Edit - Paste as New Layer
  76. With the Move Tool - Drag the tube beneath the selection see example

    Pay attention, it is different now!
  77. Selections - Invert
  78. Layer Palette - promote selection to layer - opacity = 59
  79. Activate the original child tube layer
  80. Push delete button on your keyboard
  81. Selections - Select None
  82. Layers - Merge - merge down
  83. Edit - Repeat Layers merge down (layers with red arrow has to be merged)
    The layer with the parts of the child body are not merged with the rest
  84. Activate the merged layer and move to the top
  85. Effects- 3D Effects - Drop Shadow same settings

  86. Open the 4th child tube and make the tube layer active
  87. Make a copy (Shift D on your keyboard) - Close the original and proceed with the copy
  88. Image - Resize - 70% - Smart Size
  89. Edit - Copy - Close without saving
  90. On your working area - Edit - Paste as New Layer
  91. With the Move Tool - Move to the right and to the top
  92. Layer palette -opacity +/- 30 and Blend mode Luminance (legacy)

  93. Open the 5th clild tube and make the tube layer active
  94. Make a copy (Shift D on your keyboard) - Close the original and proceed with the copy
  95. Image - Resize - 70% - Smart Size
  96. Edit - Copy - Close without saving
  97. On your working area - Edit - Paste as New Layer
  98. With the Move Tool -Move to the left and down
  99. Layer palette - opacity +/- 30 and Blend mode Luminance (legacy)
  100. Layers - Merge - Merge all layers (Flatten)
  101. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2 pixels Foreground color
  102. Selections - Select all
  103. Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout
  104. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 20 pixels background color
  105. Selections - Invert
  106. Effects - Texture effects
  107. Selections - Select all
  108. Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout
  109. Image - add borders - symmetric checked 1 pixels black
  110. Preparations for the text
    Material palette: Foreground = gradient
  111. Activate your text tool

    Write Children
  112. Move Tool - give it a nice place
  113. Layer Palette - Promote to Raster Layer
  114. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel same settings as used before
  115. Effects- 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
  116. Add Your watermark
  117. Layers - Merge - Merge all Layers (Flatten)
  118. File - Save as - give_a_name.jpg

    Example with my 5 grandchildren

  119. So this was it. I hope you enjoyed this lesson