Danses des Pinceaux
This lesson was written by Jille on on Friday 20 November 2009
in the Dutch version of PSP XII
I followed my own ideas, so any resemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence.
The brushes will give a totally different result in earlier versions of PSP. If you want to make this lesson in an earlier version than use the tubes instead of the brushes
To create this lesson I used:
- a tube from SDT: tube2874_scenery_misted_11_06_09_sdt
- I made a brush from this mask: esp_money_mask
- a brush: brush_IK6
My thanks for the lovely material, this picture would not exist without it.
You will need : a goldpattern, a tube from a scenery, 2 brushes, 2 selections
Download material here
Download selections hier
Downlad my brushes here
Download the material to be used in earlier versions of PSP here
<ICNet Software> Filters Unlimited II : here
Extract the selections into your map selections
Open the tubes in the PSP program and minimize
If you work with older versions than PSP XII - open the tubes in the program and minimize them Procedure to import brushes:
You could extract the brushes into your map with brushes, but the result of this is not garanteed for a 100%
The best way to handle brushes is to put them in a map of your choice and import them in your PSP program
Do as follows
File - Import - Custom Brush
follow the advice of the pop-ups
Open: here you browse for your map - select the brushes and click OK - Afterwards click "Add All" and click OK again. You will see the brushes in the right part of the pop-up.
When you need the brushes you will see them in the menu of your taskbar.
If you work with an earlier version of PSP
The brushes can't be used because of the limitation of the size. Use the tubes instead. Materials
Choose a dark foreground color (I took
) and a lighter background color (I took
The lesson
Step 1
File – New – New Image – transparent checked
Flood Fill Tool ; flood fill your image with the
background color
Layers - New Raster Layer
Step 2
If you work with an earlier version of PSP - open the tube with the face of the woman (Brush_IK_6)
If you work with PSP XII
Activate the Brush Tool
and select brush_lk6 - click OK
Click twice with the left mouse button (to fill with the dark foreground color)
Layers - New Raster layer
If you work with an earlier version of PSP - open the tube espmoney
If you work with PSP XII
Activate the Brush Tool
with these settings
(size 700) choose espmoney
In PSP 12 you will not see this brush unless you zoom out your image to 60%
View - Zoom Out 2x - now you will see the brush
This is the result
Layers – New Raster layer
Selections - Load/Save Selections- Load Selection from Disk and select dance1
If the selection doesn't cover the ellipse entirely, move the pencil layer so that the selection fits
Maximize tube2874_scenery_misted_11_06_09_sdt
highlight the tube layer
Edit - Copy
Close the tube
On your working area
Edit - Paste into Selection
Selections - Select None
Layer Palette- Opacity of the layer = 30 blend mode= Luminance (Legacy)
Activate the bottom layer (layer 1)
Effects- Plugins- <ICNet Software> Filters Unlimited II
Paper Textures - Hemp Paper 1 with these settings
Intensity = 106 en Lightness = 90
This is the result
Maximize the image with the gold pattern
Materials: Open material of the foreground color and click on Pattern
Select the image of the gold pattern and use these settings
You may close the image
On your working area:
Layers – New Raster Layer
Selections - Load/Save Selections- Load Selection from Disk and select dance_2
same settings as before
With the Flood Fill Tool fill the selection with the gold pattern
Effects - Plugins - <ICNet Software> Filters Unlimited II
Paper Textures - Hemp Paper 1 standard settings - click OK
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow with these settings
Layers - Duplicate
Image - Flip
This is the result
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked
5 pixels foreground color
25 pixels background colors
With your Magic Wand Tool
Select this border
Paper Textures - Hemp Paper 1 with these settings
Intensity = 140 and Lightness = 95
Selections - Invert
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow with these settings
Repeat with Vertical en Horizontal = -5
Selections - Select None
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked
5 pixels foreground color
With your Magic Wand Tool , same settings as before
- select both borders from 5 pixels foreground color
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel- with these settings
Selections - Select None
Add your watermark
File – Save As – give_it_a_name.jpg
So we are done
I hope you enjoyed this lesson