• Mystery

    Written by Jille on October 2d 2009 in the Dutch version from PSP XII
    This lesson has been updated recently
    August 16 augustus 2014version 15 from PSP

    2de example with a tube from Ana Ridzi


    1 tube
    1 background
    2 masks
    1 Font
    Download here

    Many, many thanks Ana Ridzy for all your gorgeous tubes

    L&K landsite of wonders Katharina
    VM Extravaganza


    Install filters in your map with filters

    Extract the selections into your map selections
    Open all material in your PSP program
    Install the font in the Map with fonts on your C Drive
    Foreground color= #b8e6cf, background color #51897d

    The lesson

    1. File - New and choose the background color
    2. Layers - New raster layer
    3. Selections - select all
    4. Open Background.jpg
    5. Edit - Copy
    6. On your working area - Edit - paste into selection
    7. Layer palette - blend mode = soft light
    8. Selections - Deselect all
    9. Layers - New raster layer
    10. Flood fill tool -fill with foreground color
    11. Layers - New mask layer - from image and select crossmsk.jpg
    12. Layer palette - merge - merge group
    13. Effects - Edge effects - Enhance
    14. Material - change foreground color into foreground/background gradient with these settings
    15. Layers - New raster layer
    16. Selections - load/save selection -load selection from disk and select Mystery_1
    17. Flood fill tool - Fill with the gradient
    18. Effects - Plugins LenK landsiteofwonders - Katharina
    19. Layers - New mask layer - see print screen
    20. Layer palette - merge - merge group
    21. Selections - Deselect all
    22. Effects - Edge effects - Enhance
    23. Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow
    24. Open AR1101.pspimage
    25. Edit - Copy and close
    26. On your working area - Edit - paste as new layer
    27. Image - Resize 80% - resize all layers not checked
    28. Move tool - move to the left and to the bottom
    29. Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow - same settings
    30. Layers - Duplicate
    31. Layers - New raster layer
    32. Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and select Mystery_2
    33. Make the layer with the duplicated lady actif
    34. Move tool - move her eyes under the selection
    35. Selections - invert
    36. Tic delete on your keyboard
    37. Selections - Deselect all
    38. Layers - New raster layer
    39. Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and select Mystery_3
    40. Flood fill tool - Fill layer with the gradient
    41. Effects - Plugins LenK landsiteofwonders - Katharina same settings
    42. Effects - Plugins <ICNET Software>Filters Unlimited 2.0 VM Extravaganza
    43. Selections - Deselect all
    44. Layer palette - blend mode soft light
    45. Open kader.jpg
    46. Edit - Copy and close
    47. On your working area - Edit - paste as new layer
    48. Move tool - move to the right and the top
    49. Material - close the foreground and background color= white
    50. Text tool with these settings

      and write
      Who can captivate
      the mystery of a woman s
    51. Top menu - tic to apply changes
    52. Layer palette - Convert to raster layer
    53. Material same colors as at the beginning of this lesson
    54. Image - Add borders - Symmetric checked- 1 pixel background color
    55. Image - Add borders - Symmetric checked- 5 pixel foreground color
    56. Image - Add borders - Symmetric checked- 1 pixel background color
    57. Image - Add borders - Symmetric checked- 25 pixel WHITE
    58. Image - Add borders - Symmetric checked- 5 pixel background color
    59. Image - Add borders - Symmetric checked- 1 pixel foreground color
    60. Image - Add borders - Symmetric checked- 5 pixel background color
    61. Add watermark and save as jpg file

      August 16th 2014