This lesson was written by Jille on July 4th 2011 in the Dutch version from PSP 3.
I followed my own idea, any resemblance with an existing lesson is a coincidence
Example 2 with a tube from Gina (GINATUBES FEMME 1990)
Filters - color dot
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact Perspective Shadow
Credits and material
Tube: Alies 552-vrouw-03072011.pspimage
Image: psp5EA.jpg
Mask: mask edith 62.pspimage
Tube: light_brush_set_10.pspimage
Brush @nn_260610_brush_006_set2_tdstudio.PspBrush
I am very grateful for this beautiful material
Download material here
Fonts I used: Pristina and StencilSDT
Install the filters
Extract selection into your map selections
Extract brush into the map Brushes
Open the program
Open the mask in your program and minimize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Open the tubes in your program and minimize
I took #f7d08a for the foreground and
for the background
Material foreground - Prepare a foreground - background gradient - linear - with these settings
The lesson
- File - New - New Image and choose the gradient (right mouse button)
- Effects - Texture effects - Sandstone (background color)
- Effects - Edge effects - Enhance
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Flood fill tool - fill with background color
- Effects - Plugins- - Color dot
- Open the Image (scenery) - psp5EA.jpg
- Edit - Copy and minimize
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Layers - New Mask layer - From Image
choose mask edith 62
- Layers - Merge - Merge group
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (background color)
- Material palette- change gradient into solid color
- Open the tube light_brush_set_10.pspimage
- File - Export - Custom brush
Give the same name as the tube and click OK to finish
- Brush tool - Open the brush you made
- Layers - New Raster layer - call this layer ZON (SUN), (we have to move this layer later in this lesson))
- Place brush see example
- Effects - Illumination Effects - Sunburst
- Text tool with these settings (size 700 - Italic)
- Type small letter y
- Click check mark to apply
- Layer palette - convert to raster layer
- Move to the left (see example)
- Effects - Texture effects - Blinds (foreground color)
- Effects - Distortion Effects - Wind from the right
- Effects - Edge effects - Enhance
- Layers - Duplicate and
Image - Mirror
- Layers - Merge - Merge down
- Effects - plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact Perspective Shadow
Settings = Drop Shadow blurry
Basic =
change shadow color to white
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Material palette - Foreground color = white
- Selections -
Load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose
- Flood fill tool - fill selection with white
- Selections - Deselect all
- Magic Wand Tool - click in the small squares on the left and on the bottom
- Layers - New Raster layer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Edit - Copy special - Copy merged
- Edit - Paste into selection
- Selections - Deselect all
- Layer palette - Blend Mode Multiply
- Layers - Duplicate
- Layer palette - Blend Mode - Screen
- Effects - Image effects - Offset
- Layer palette - Move down
- Effects - Distortion Effects - Wind (from the left)
- Effects - Edge effects - Enhance
- Image - Rotate right
- Repeat item 47 and 48
- Image - Rotate left
- In the Layer palette - make Layer ZON (SUN) actif
Layer palette - Arrange - bring to front
- Layers - Duplicate
- Image - Mirror
- Move tool - Move to the left again and a bit lower see example
- Layer palette - Blend Mode = Hard light
- Layers - New Raster layer
- Brush tool: select @nn_260610_brush_006_set2_tdstudio.PspBrush with these settings
- Place with white color see example
- Open the tube from Annelies: Alies 552-vrouw-03072011
- Edit - Copy - close
- On your working area - Edit - Paste as new layer
- Image - Mirror
- Move Tool - (see example beneath 65)
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (Blur 80 same color as used before)
- Layers - Merge - Merge visible
- Layers - Duplicate
- Effects - Image effects - Page curl
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2 pixels white
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2 pixels background color
- Selections - Select all
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 50 pixels white
- Selections - Invert
- Adjust - Blur - Radial blur
- Selections - Deselect all
- Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2 pixels background color
- Image - Resize - 950 pixels width
- Maximize the image- psp5EA.jpg again
- Edit - Copy and close
- Back to your working area :
Layers - New Raster layer
- Text tool with these settings: Pay attention MAKE AS SELECTION
- Type sunrise
- Edit - Paste into selection
- Selections - Deselect all
- Image - Free Rotate
- Move tool - to the right see example
- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
- Add watermark
- Layers - Merge - Merge all (flatten)
- File -Save as Give_a_name.jpg
So we reached the end. I hope you enjoyed this lesson
Example by Nicky - tube Annelies